Вселенная Стивена Вики
Вселенная Стивена Вики

«Steven Universe Remix» — это песня, которая играла в промо-ролике ко Вселенной Стивена. В ролике использовались разные сцены из сериала.

Текст песни[]

Since ancient times,

there is a name that is spoken throughout the universe.
"That's unusual!" - Steven
Born from magical crystals,

The Crystal Gems (x6)

Garnet, - "Let's do it!"
Amethyst, - "I'm hungry!"
Pearl. - "Some of us are trying to protect humanity."

Steven! - "You got it dude!"

"I'm a Gem!". - Steven
"Put your clothes on, Steven." - Pearl

"You can link your mind with with the energy of all existing matter

channeling the collective power of the universe through your gem!" - Garnet
"I just turned all my fingers into cats!" - Steven

